#Purple Diaries

I was having a blackcurrant milkshake when I saw the colour purple,,and gave a thought to it…y do I hate the colour purple so much..maybe bcoz its my sister’s favourite colour…well no..dn my friends tease me for this colour…surely no..my reasns were senseless..Being a ca student..I knew very well purple colour describes my destiny..its the colour i need to face whether i hate it or love it..infact its the colour which taught me patience,gave me courage and motivated me..it taught me there is no substitute to hard work..

Every colour has its own importance,, like we people do..we cannot simply hate anyone…nd what we give,,we get return…so i decided to at least like this colour now and enjoy it with a smile always!! 

3 thoughts on “#Purple Diaries

  1. kristinakoti

    Hi, it’s a very nice thought and message you bring. The only thing is that there some typos, wordpress helps you with that. Before hitting the publish button, try to assess your text with the proofread option.
    Speaking of motivation, I write quite a lot about it. Here is on of my links, it’s about who you surround yourself with :). Hope you like it.



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